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Book from Ripped & Torn fanzines

Ecstatic Peace Library

Ecstatic Peace Library publishers have kindly turned all the pages of my Ripped & Torn fanzines, plus Ripping Christmas, into a book which is great news all round.

See their website for more details plus some reviews and images from inside the book.

Here is the cover. This is created from some of my many ways of writing Ripped & Torn on the cover of each issue. Until this book release I didn’t realise I never used the same design twice.



Ripped & Torn Facebook page

I’ve been updating the Ripped & Torn Facebook page regarding this publication, see here for images of press launches from London to Glasgow via Nottingham and Bristol, and appearances on radio shows and media reviews.

Floods of memories

Seeing Ripped & Torn in print form again as a book has been incredible; it brings back a flood of memories, some good some bad.

The book also reveals to me the amount of effort I put into creating each issue, which is impressive now but at the time I just did it.

Growing up in public

Going from issue to issue, as is possible in the book, my own development as a person is evident. It also reveals the changing moods of the times and punk evolved and grew.

I was growing up in public by broadcasting my raw and new found views in each issue, but so was punk as we progressed from Sex Pistols to Ants to Crass. The Sex Pistols I put on a lot of the covers of Ripped & Torn, and I did the first interviews with Adam Ant and Crass.

Now get a copy

Thanks to everyone involved from October 1976 to the present day.

Tony D.


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