=== cformsII - contact form === Contributors: olivers Donate link: http://www.deliciousdays.com/cforms-forum?forum=2&topic=368&page=1 Tags: contact form, ajax, contact, form, input, comments, post, sidebar, spam, admin Requires at least: 2.0.2 Tested up to: 2.6.2 Stable tag: 9.0b cforms II is the most customizable, flexible & powerful ajax supporting contact form plugin (& comment form)! == Description == cforms is a highly customizable, flexible and powerful form builder plugin, covering a variety of use cases and features from attachments to multi form management, you can even have multiple forms on the same page! = v9.0 UPGRADE - IMPORTANT: = v9.0 introduces a completely new method of storing its settings, please make a WP database backup first (!) and then migrate your settings (cforms will guide you!) = WHAT'S NEW? = cforms' WP comment feature **supports the following comment plugins**: [Comment Luv](http://www.fiddyp.co.uk/commentluv-wordpress-plugin/), [Subscribe To Comment](http://txfx.net/code/wordpress/subscribe-to-comments/) & [WP Ajax Edit Comments](http://www.raproject.com/ajax-edit-comments-20/)! For *WHAT'S NEW* and a complete [version history](http://www.deliciousdays.com/cforms-forum?forum=2&topic=2&page=1). = Localization = * **NEW: Bahasa Indonesia** \* Author: [Hendry Lee](http://blogbuildingu.com/wordpress-cforms-id) * **Chinese, Simplified** \* Author: [Winnie Law (Liu Dongyan)](http://www.translateforyou.cn/cforms-translation/) * **Danish** \* Author: [Mads Christian Jensen](http://mads.eu/wp-plugins#cforms) * **Dutch** \* Author: [Anja](http://www.werkgroepen.net/wordpress25/vertaald-cforms-ii/) * **French** \* Author: [La maison de l’informatiqu](http://wp.kalyxstudio.com/cforms-ll) * **German** \* Author: [Sven Wappler](http://www.wappler.eu/cforms/) * **Hungarian** \* Author: [Ungvári Béla](http://www.life-univ.net/ubh/2008/02/26/a-cforms-ii-plugin-magyar-nyelvu-fajljai.html) * **Italian** \* Author: [Gianni](http://gidibao.net/index.php/2008/03/27/cforms-ii-in-italiano/) * **Japanese** \* Author: [Hiroaki Miyashita](http://wordpressgogo.com/development/translation_cforms_ja.html) * **Polish** \* Authors: [Kasia Nocek](http://www.nietoperzka.com/wptraining/tlumaczenie-cforms/) & [WEST28](http://west.vdl.pl/word-press/tlumaczenie-cforms/) * **Russian** \* Author: [Sofia Panchenko](http://www.sonika.ru/blog/wordpress/cforms-rus.htm) * **Spanish** \* Author: [Samuel Aguilera](http://agamum.net/blog/archivo/plugin-cforms-en-espanol-formularios-para-tu-wordpress.xhtml) * **Turkish** \* Author: [Resat Diker](http://weblog.resatdiker.com/cforms) == Installation == Please see the [cforms plugin home page](http://www.deliciousdays.com/cforms-plugin) for details. Check out the [cforms CSS Guide and webcast](http://www.deliciousdays.com/cforms-forum?forum=1&topic=428&page=1) on layout customization. == Frequently Asked Questions == Please visit the [cforms plugin forum](http://www.deliciousdays.com/cforms-forum) for up-to-date [FAQs](http://www.deliciousdays.com/cforms-forum?forum=3&page=1) and more help. == Screenshots == Please visit the [cforms plugin page](http://www.deliciousdays.com/cforms-plugin) for screenshots & user examples.