Issue 4

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Issue 4 is missing – if anybody has a copy please get in touch.

4 Responses to "Issue 4"

  1. Jamie H says:

    Quite a few early copies of Ripped & Torn being auctioned today on Ebay. Made a bid of £19 for #4 but no joy.

    Hopefully whoever does win it wants to share it on here.

  2. Tony D says:

    Thanks Jamie. Maybe they will.

  3. Jamie H says:

    Hi Tony, in case you don’t know the winning bid was £186!

    Actually I was meaning to get in to get in touch as I mentioned Ripped & Torn in an article I wrote on the fanzine White Stuff for issue 2 of eFanzine called Total Blam Blam. There’s also an interview with Viv Albertine and a piece on the Sex Pistols in 1976 from a Scottish perspective.

    If you’d like to download a free copy:

    Epub (Email required):

    PDF and other formats (No email required):

  4. Tim Dickson says:

    I have a copy of issue 4 in my collection

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